TCCD Multi-Purpose Center
Fort Worth, TX
This Tarrant County College District facility for real estate and development personnel serves as an experiential lab to test and promote varying products and work styles. The client’s objectives with this facility were flexibility, experimentation and collaboration. Therefore, the interior finish-out features the latest trends in the industry in an open office with an exposed structure.
The elements, meant to be experiential to try out alternative furniture pieces and styles that could potentially be used on TCC campuses, include a large space for mock-up use. Personnel are encouraged to create different furniture and floor plan layouts for classrooms. In the open office area, there are cubicle workstations outfitted with organizational accessories and ergonomic products. The space includes a variety of conference rooms, focus rooms, huddle spaces and furniture types to allow for work setting choices. The conference rooms, made of demountable walls, have room reservation technology and are different colors to assist with wayfinding.